"The way it is not very effective, and even tend to create
opportunities disguised prostitution, which also prone to human
"Cara itu tidak terlalu efektif, bahkan cenderung akan menimbulkan peluang prostitusi terselubung yang di dalamnya juga rawan terjadinya human traffiking,"
Toha Masduki
Commission D of Parliament of Surabaya says, if the Surabaya City Government is
serious about closing localization in Surabaya, They should be prepared for a
proper solution, not just giving money to the pimps and commercial sex
workers (CSWs) it, and then sent back to their home areas.
It is said Toha Masduki Member Council Commission D Surabaya, Surabaya City Government addressing attitude, which impressed just looking for an easy way, to cover localization, without thinking about the impact that will result, after the closing done.
"The way it is not very effective, and even tend to create opportunities disguised prostitution, which also prone to human trafficking," said Masduki (24/05/2013).
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) rate as the province of East Java stigma of prostitution is still attached. This is because in East Java is still hovering around 47 localization.
"Who does not know the localization of prostitution in Dolly, Surabaya. Localization is the largest in Southeast Asia. Though, in fact when talking about the localization and prostitution, not only in Surabaya alone. Due in East Java, there are 47 localization we collect data, said KH Abdussomad Bukhari in East Java. MUI Regional Council activities Lumajang to VIII in the Regency Hall, Wednesday (06/11/2013).
According Abdussomad, in East Java localization amount spread across the region in East Java. I do not know if there is localization in Lumajang or not, he said. With this reality, Abdussomad convey, he has urged the provincial government to immediately shut down the prostitution localization with different methods and approaches completion.
Alhamdulillah, what we say in response despite the efforts made so far is not maximized. We emphasize from the outset, the closure of this localization to be done by persuasion and educate circuitry road to the residents who will be sent home. It has been done, though not significant and still slow, he said.
It is said Toha Masduki Member Council Commission D Surabaya, Surabaya City Government addressing attitude, which impressed just looking for an easy way, to cover localization, without thinking about the impact that will result, after the closing done.
"The way it is not very effective, and even tend to create opportunities disguised prostitution, which also prone to human trafficking," said Masduki (24/05/2013).
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) rate as the province of East Java stigma of prostitution is still attached. This is because in East Java is still hovering around 47 localization.
"Who does not know the localization of prostitution in Dolly, Surabaya. Localization is the largest in Southeast Asia. Though, in fact when talking about the localization and prostitution, not only in Surabaya alone. Due in East Java, there are 47 localization we collect data, said KH Abdussomad Bukhari in East Java. MUI Regional Council activities Lumajang to VIII in the Regency Hall, Wednesday (06/11/2013).
According Abdussomad, in East Java localization amount spread across the region in East Java. I do not know if there is localization in Lumajang or not, he said. With this reality, Abdussomad convey, he has urged the provincial government to immediately shut down the prostitution localization with different methods and approaches completion.
Alhamdulillah, what we say in response despite the efforts made so far is not maximized. We emphasize from the outset, the closure of this localization to be done by persuasion and educate circuitry road to the residents who will be sent home. It has been done, though not significant and still slow, he said.
Komisi D DPRD Surabaya mengatakan, jika Pemkot Surabaya serius melakukan penutupan lokalisasi di Surabaya, harus disiapkan solusi yang tepat, tidak sekadar memberi uang pada para mucikari dan pekerja seks komersial (PSK)-nya, lalu dipulangkan ke daerah asal mereka.
Ini dikatakan Masduki Toha Anggota Komisi D DPRD Surabaya, menyikapi sikap Pemkot Surabaya, yang terkesan hanya cari cara gampang, untuk menutup lokalisasi, tanpa memikirkan dampak yang akan ditimbulkan, sesudah penutupan dilakukan.
"Cara itu tidak terlalu efektif, bahkan cenderung akan menimbulkan peluang prostitusi terselubung yang di dalamnya juga rawan terjadinya human traffiking," kata Masduki pada suarasurabaya.net, Jumat (24/5/2013).
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) menilai stigma Jawa Timur sebagai provinsi prostitusi hingga saat ini masih melekat. Ini karena di Jawa Timur saat ini masih berdiri sekitar 47 lokalisasi.
"Siapa yang tidak kenal lokalisasi prostitusi di Dolly, Surabaya. Lokalisasi ini terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Meski, sebenarnya kalau berbicara masalah lokalisasi dan prostitusi, tidak hanya ada di Surabaya saja. Karena di Jawa Timur terdapat 47 lokalisasi yang kami himpun datanya,� kata KH Abdussomad Bukhori Ketua MUI Jatim dalam kegiatan Musyawarah Daerah MUI Lumajang Ke VIII di Pendopo Kabupaten, Rabu (6/11/2013).
Menurut Abdussomad, di Jawa Timur jumlah lokalisasi menyebar di seluruh kawasan di Jawa Timur. �Saya belum tahu apakah di Lumajang ada lokalisasi atau tidak,� ujarnya. Dengan kenyataan ini, Abdussomad menyampaikan, pihaknya telah mendesak pemerintah provinsi untuk segera menutup lokalisasi prostitusi ini dengan berbagai metode penyelesaian dan pendekatannya.
�Alhamdulillah, apa yang kami sampaikan di respon meski sejauh ini upaya yang dilakukan belum maksimal. Kami sejak awal menekankan, penutupan lokalisasi ini untuk dilakukan dengan pendekatan persuasif dan mendidik dnegan jalan diberikanpelatihan kepada para penghuni yang akan dipulangkan. Itu sudah dilakukan, meski belum signifikan dan terkedan masih lambat,� ujarnya.
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