And the dangers of HIV / AIDS
will not be at the weir.
Mayor of Surabaya:,
"......... in Dolly, 1,448 sex workers suffering from AIDS, and Closure of Dolly will do on June 18, 2014 ......."
"......... in Dolly, 1,448 sex workers suffering from AIDS, and Closure of Dolly will do on June 18, 2014 ......."
Mayor of Surabaya
My Opinion:
If Dolly in Surabaya be closed, I am not sure Surabaya-East Java will be free from the sex workers. During the welfare of the people have not met in a fair, still hard at work to the sex workers would wander around the hotels. And the dangers of HIV / AIDS will not be at the weir.
If we want to catch the RATS, do not throw them out of the hut with us- they are going to go out there-rats are free and ready to spread HIV / AIDS.
If we want to catch the RATS, do not throw them out of the hut with us- they are going to go out there-rats are free and ready to spread HIV / AIDS.
Seandainya Dolly Surabaya ditutup, saya tidak yakin Surabaya- Jawa Timur akan bebas dari PSK. Selama kesejahteraan rakyat belum dipenuhi secara adil, pekerjaan masih sulit di dapat maka PSK akan berkeliaran di sekitar penginapan dan atau perhotelan. dan bahaya HIV/AIDS tidak akan bisa di bendung.
Jika kita ingin menangkap TIKUS, tidak dengan mengusirnya dari pondok kita- justru tikus itu akan leluasa di luar sana- dan siap menebarkan HIV/AIDS.
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