Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

From 57 Islamic countries joined in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC ) , still there are 14 countries that claim to have succeeded in achieving the overall point of the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) , including Indonesia. ( HDI and HIV / AIDS )

From 57 Islamic countries joined in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC ) , still there are 14 countries that claim to have succeeded in achieving the overall point of the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) , including Indonesia.
( HDI and HIV / AIDS )

 Apparently there are still many Muslim countries are not able to achieve the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) , especially against HIV / AIDS .
Besides Indonesia , neighboring Malaysia , which turned out to have the same ` ` fate of this nation .
" I was also surprised , because we are an Islamic state . Initially I think is not a problem , it turns out HIV / AIDS is still a lot of problems , not only in Indonesia , " said Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, dr . Nafsiah Mboi , SpA , M.P.H. to a number of journalists , who met her  in the event of the 4th meeting of Health Ministers Conference event ( ICHM ) Organization of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC ) , in which she was lined up to be the conference chairman for the period 2013-2015 ICHM .
Nafsiah Mboi with a representative of the Minister of Health of 10 Muslim countries who attended also plans to discuss the issue of maternal mortality , children , and HIV- AIDS . These three points are yet to be completely resolved in Indonesia .
" Thus , in the event we arrange together what steps will be done . We will all help each other . Which has been successful and unsuccessful , help other countries and tell them how to be as successful as it was , " said Nafsiah .
From 57 Islamic countries joined in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC ) , still there are 14 countries that claim to have succeeded in achieving the overall point of the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) , including Indonesia . While that has been successful , mostly from small and rich countries , such as Brunei Darussalam and Kazakhastan .

Ternyata masih banyak negara-negara Islam yang belum bisa mencapai target Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) terutama mengatasi HIV/AIDS.

Selain Indonesia, negara tetangga, Malaysia, yang ternyata memiliki `nasib` yang sama dengan bangsa ini.

"Saya juga kaget, karena kita memang negara Islam. Awalnya saya kira bukan masalah, ternyata HIV/AIDS masih menjadi banyak masalah, tidak hanya di Indonesia," ujar Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, dr. Nafsiah Mboi, SpA, M.P.H. kepada sejumlah wartawan, yang menemuinya dalam acara pertemuan ke-4 acara Conference of Health Ministers (ICHM) Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), di mana dalam konferensi itu ia didapuk menjadi Ketua ICHM untuk masa bakti 2013-2015.

Nafsiah Mboi bersama perwakilan Menteri Kesehatan dari 10 negara Islam yang hadir juga berencana membicarakan isu tentang kematian ibu, anak, dan HIV AIDS. Ketiga poin yang belum dapat diatasi di Indonesia secara tuntas.

"Maka itu, dalam acara ini kita menyusun secara bersama langkah-langkah apa saja yang akan dilakukan. Kita semua akan saling membantu. Yang sudah sukses dan berhasil, membantu negara lain dan memberitahu bagaimana caranya mereka bisa sesukses itu," terang Nafsiah.

Dari 57 negara Islam yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI), masih ada 14 negara yang mengaku belum berhasil mencapai keseluruhan poin dari  Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), termasuk Indonesia. Sedangkan yang sudah berhasil, kebanyakan berasal dari negara kecil dan kaya, seperti Kazakhastan dan Brunei Darussalam.

( Adt / Abd ) ( Abd ) ;

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