Senin, 09 Juni 2014

The indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) on the sixth goal, namely the fight against HIV / AIDS is still red.

The indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) on the sixth goal, namely the fight against HIV / AIDS is still red.

Coordinating Minister for People's welfare (Ministry of Welfare) Laksono said, three of the six indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) on the sixth goal, namely the fight against HIV / AIDS is still red. "There are three indicators are still red and hard work we all need," said Laksono after opening Meeting the MDGs on AIDS in Jakarta on Monday.The third indicator is red it is:Condom use in sex offender risk,Lack of knowledge of adolescents aged 15-24 years of HIV / AIDS and its prevention;And a low number of districts / cities to prevent the disease.According to him, the achievement of the targets of the MDGs are grouped into three categories: targets have been achieved, by 25 percent, which shows significant progress targets. It is expected that this can be achieved in 2015 (on track) of 41.67 percent, and the target still requires effort to reach 33 percent, including 6 goals concern.Based on data from the Ministry of Health until December 2010 the number of AIDS patients as many as 24 131 men and 55 848 people with HIV in Indonesia, with 73 percent of people with the details of men and 26.6 percent women.Jakarta still has the highest number of people living with HIV / AIDS followed by East Java, West Java, Papua, Bali, West Kalimantan, Central Java, South Sulawesi, North Sumatra and Jogjakarta. Transmission of HIV / AIDS through sexual intercourse reached 52.7 percent, through a syringe by 38 percent and three percent as a result of same-sex relationships, and 2.6 percent were derived from mothers to their babies. "It takes the cooperation of all parties, especially the local government to be able to have a program and implement the program effectively.Efforts menganggulangan HIV / AIDS is still a need to be boosted again, "he said. During this HIV / AIDS is still a lot of international assistance especially the funding issues such as the Global Fund, AusAID, the future of international aid is expected to be replaced with funding from state and local budgets

Menteri Koordinator Bidang kesejahteraan Rakyat (Menko Kesra) Agung Laksono mengatakan, tiga dari enam indikator Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (MDG) pada tujuan keenam yaitu memerangi HIV/AIDS masih merah. "Ada tiga indikator yang masih merah dan membutuhkan kerja keras kita semua," kata Agung Laksono usai membuka Raker MDGs tentang AIDS di Jakarta, Senin.

Ketiga indikator yang masih merah itu adalah :
Penggunaan kondom pada pelaku seks berisiko,
Rendahnya pengetahuan remaja usia 15-24 tahun tentang HIV/AIDS dan pencegahannya;
Serta masih rendahnya jumlah kabupaten/kota yang melakukan pencegahan penyakit tersebut.

Menurutnya, pencapaian berbagai sasaran dari MDGs dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga kategori yaitu sasaran yang telah dicapai, sebesar 25 persen, sasaran yang menunjukkan kemajuan signifikan. Diharapkan hal ini dapat tercapai pada 2015 (on track) sebesar 41,67 persen, dan sasaran yang masih memerlukan upaya keras untuk mencapainya 33 persen, termasuk didalamnya goal 6 yang menjadi perhatian.

Berdasarkan data Kementerian Kesehatan hingga Desember 2010 jumlah penderita AIDS sebanyak 24.131 orang dan 55.848 orang dengan HIV di Indonesia dengan rincian 73 persen penderita laki-laki dan 26,6 persen perempuan.

DKI Jakarta masih menduduki peringkat tertinggi jumlah penderita HIV/AIDS disusul Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Papua, Bali, Kalimantan Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Sumatera Utara dan DI Jogjakarta. Penularan HIV/AIDS tertinggi melalui hubungan seksual mencapai 52,7 persen, lewat jarum suntik sebesar 38 persen dan tiga persen akibat hubungan sesama jenis serta 2,6 persen yang diturunkan dari ibu kepada bayinya. "Diperlukan kerja sama semua pihak terutama pemerintah daerah untuk bisa mempunyai program dan melaksankan program tersebut dengan efektif.

Upaya menganggulangan HIV/AIDS ini masih perlu digenjot lagi," ujarnya. Selama ini penanggulangan HIV/AIDS masih banyak dibantu dunia internasional terutama masalah pendanaannya seperti Global Fund, AusAid, ke depan diharapkan bantuan internasional diganti dengan pembiayaan dari APBN dan APBD.

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