Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

From the year 2000 to 2014 ( 14 years ) cases of HIV / AIDS in the Pahlawan city totaled 7.000 people.

From the year 2000 to 2014 ( 14 years ), cases of HIV / AIDS in the Pahlawan city totaled 
7.000 people

Surabaya Health Service data, within a period of 14 years, commencing from the year 2000 to 2014, cases of HIV / AIDS in the Pahlawan city totaled 7 thousand people. However, from 2012 to 2014, the number of people living with HIV / AIDS continue to decline, in line with the instruction limiting the number of prostitutes in Gang Dolly danJarak. "Beginning in 2012 and until now, the total number of people living with HIV / AIDS in Surabaya there are about 215 people who tested positive for the dangerous disease," said Chief Medical Officer of Surabaya, Febria Rachmanita, Tuesday (3/6).

Data Dinas Kesehatan Surabaya, dalam kurun waktu 14 tahun, terhitung sejak tahun 2000 hingga 2014, kasus penderita HIV/AIDS di Kota Phlawan total berjumlah 7 ribu penderita.

Namun, sejak tahun 2012 hingga 2014, jumlah penderita HIV/AIDS terus mengalami penurunan, seiring dengan adanya instruksi pembatasan jumlah PSK di Gang Dolly danJarak. "Mulai tahun 2012 lalu sampai sekarang, total jumlah penderita HIV/AIDS di Surabaya ada sekitar 215 orang yang positif terjangkit penyakit berbahaya itu," terang Kepala Dinas Kesehatan  Kota Surabaya, Febria Rachmanita, Selasa (3/6/2014).

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